Outboard boat motors perform well in most conditions, and they are quite durable. However, if these elements are neglected, their condition will decline. In simple terms, your boat will not function as smoothly as you might expect. Moreover, the motor could fail due to the degradation of components. Fortunately, you can prevent problems from arising by providing proper care, especially after spending your day on the water. Here are practical tips to help you protect your outboard motor.  

Inspect Your Motor

You should inspect the boat motor after returning from your trip. It is important to confirm that your outboard engine is in good condition before putting your boat away. If you encountered rough conditions on the water, your motor could have sustained damage. Failure to identify the problems in time could lead to failure on your next trip. If you do find mechanical damage, denting or other issues, you should consult a boat mechanic for immediate repairs.

Flush the Engine

You should flush your outboard engine after leaving the water. This process is not only essential for marine boats. You should also practise this form of care for freshwater boats. In general, the flushing process is quite simple. You will only need to turn on the motor and allow the water pump to clean it out. You must remember to remain far from the propeller when flushing to avoid injuries. It is also important to make certain that the water pump is working efficiently during the flush. If you notice low water flow or the flushing water is hot, you should check the pump for blockages and clear the pipes out.

Wipe the Surfaces

You should wipe down the surfaces of your motor after your outing to prevent corrosion. If the water and salts on your boat engine are left in place, they will react with the metals in your boat. If there are steel and iron elements, they will begin to rust. Other metals will experience gradual corrosion. Therefore, you should use an anti-corrosive product to wipe vulnerable parts, and you should also lubricate moving components to prevent sticking.

Use Residue Fuel

If you are planning on storing your boat for some time after your trip, you should ensure that the fuel in the carburetor is completely used up. If residue oil remains in this component, it will degrade and will cause problems during your next water outing. This process is quite simple. You will only need to disconnect the fuel line and then allow your engine to run.

If you do end up having issues with your boat, don't hesitate to take it to a boat mechanic in your area. 
